Thursday, July 3, 2014

What "Brand" means in 2014

At an earlier publication I said that the brand is "the representation of a perceptible object transformed into memorable concepts by a perceiving subject." In another blog, I simplified this concept, saying the brand is "the perception left by any interaction". Because every action that is perceived leaves a mark, a "brand" in the perceiver. To understand that all actions of a company are part of your brand is imperative nowadays for the development of a company.

Despite the confluence of "brand" meanings, it seems that different definitions for the term still work depending on the point of view of our counterparts. In the business world, to small and medium size entrepreneurs it means one thing, for corporate executives from high profile companies, it means something else entirely, and if we add the particular vision of internal customers, or Marketing specialists (like me), we can see that there is no one definition that fits all.

The reason why we can not find a general concept of brand is the very nature of what the brand leaves behind. A trace of its existence. All action is synesthetically perceived by our senses. But you don't need to presence the act to understand what happened, we just need to perceive the mark left behind. But these "marks" are not always sufficiently clear and our senses use the referent they carry with them, to understand. That's why different audiences have different meanings to define brand.

All businesses regardless of size, understand that the brand is linked to the image of the company, because visually they can see the brand's imprint. Where the difference lies is in the context of what we consider "image" and the emotional, cultural, social and practical values we assign to it.

For those unfamiliar with marketing research, this "image" is the visual reference and assume the literal definition of the term. This is the reason why small and medium businesses still consider that only the visual part of their companies is what represents their brands.

From the practical point of view, the brand helps to assess the degree of additional and measurable values that can be associated with the economic worth of a business. That's why for high profile and senior execs, the brand helps them measure the Brand equityof their companies and / or products. The visual and financial components are very relevant and make the importance of the social and human component being relegated in significance.

For most of a company's internal customers (employees, suppliers, investors) the "brand" only means this. The company. For them, the physical part and its graphic representation is equivalent to their brand concept. At the end of the day, "it is just business" for them, and the emotional part of it is again relegated. Here the concept loses, yet again, socio-cultural relevance coated by the visual and economic components.

However, we forget that our actions to create an indelible "mark" are directed to an audience, and for them all interaction with the company are creating an experience that results in an opinion on the company and its products or services. For today's audiences, "brand" is a guttural, synesthetic, and holistic concept on how they feel towards those experiences.

¿Que es "Marca" hoy en día?

El origen de la palabra "marca", proviene de la yerra, del marcar ganado permanentemente. Anteriormente he dicho que hoy en día, la marca es "la representación de un objeto perceptible transformado en conceptos memorables por un sujeto perceptor".

En otro blog simplifique este concepto, diciendo que la marca es "la percepción dejada por cualquier interacción". Porque toda acción que se percibe deja huella y por lo tanto, una "marca" en quien la percibe. Entender que todas las acciones de una empresa son parte de su marca es imperativo para el desarrollo de una compañía.

A pesar de las confluencias de significado del término marca, parece que diferentes acepciones siguen funcionando para el término dependiendo del punto de vista de nuestros interlocutores. A nivel de negocios, para pequeños y medianos empresarios quiere decir una cosa, para los directivos y executivos financieros de compañías de alto perfil, quiere decir algo completamente distinto, si a esto agreguemos la visión particular de los clientes internos de la compañía, o la de los especialistas en Mercadeo (como yo), podemos ver que no hay una definición que sirva para todos.

La razón por la cual no podemos encontrar un concepto general de marca es por la naturaleza misma de lo que la marca deja detrás de si. La huella de su existencia. Toda acción es percibida sinestesicamente, por nuestros sentidos. Pero no es necesario presenciar el acto para entenderlo, tan solo necesitamos percibir la huella dejada. Pero las huellas no son siempre lo suficientemente claras y nuestros sentidos usan los referentes a su disposición para entenderlas. Es por eso que diferentes audiencias tienen diferentes significados para definir la marca.

Todas las empresas sin importar su tamaño, entienden que la marca esta ligada a la imagen de la empresa, porque visualmente ven la huella ("imprint") de la marca. Donde radica la diferencia es en el contexto de lo que consideramos "imagen" y en los valores emocionales, culturales, sociales y prácticos que le asignamos.

Para quienes no están familiarizados con la investigación de mercadeo, esta "imagen" es el referente visual y asumen la definición literal del término. Esta es la razón por la cual, pequeños y medianos empresarios aún consideran que solo la parte visual de sus compañías es los que representa su marca.
Desde el punto de vista practico, la marca ayuda a evaluar el grado de valores adicionales y mesurables que pueden asociarse con la valía económica de un negocio. Es por eso que para presidentes y altos ejecutivos de compañías, la marca les ayuda a medir la "plusvalía de marca" (Brand equity) de sus empresas y/o productos. Los componentes visual y financiero se hacen muy relevantes y hacen que la importancia de el componente social y humano se relegue en significado.

Para la mayoría de clientes internos de una compañía (empleados, proveedores, inversionistas) la marca es una. La empresa. Para ellos la parte física y su representación gráfica es el equivalente a su concepto de marca. Al fin y al cabo, "es un negocio" y la parte emocional queda de nuevo relegada. Aquí el concepto pierde de nuevo relevancia socio-cultural, para ser recubierta del componente visual y económico.
Sin embargo olvidamos que nuestras acciones para crear una "marca" indeleble, están dirigidas a un publico espectador, para el cual todas las acciones de la empresa crean una experiencia que traducen en una opinión sobre la empresa y sus productos o servicios. Para la audiencia de hoy en día, "la marca" es el concepto gutural, sinestésico y holístico de lo que sienten hacia dicha experiencia.

How a redefinition of "Brand" can help Small and Medium Size Hispanic Businesses

Due to their size, SMHBs (Small and Medium Size Hispanic Business) have limitations on access to appropriate technology and specialized professionals to help them in their business evolution. Additionally, when compared to the average US SMBs, Hispanic Business owners might face other cultural, financial, and social challenges that create additional risks.

The average SMHB company lacks professional marketing advise and therefore a detailed marketing plan. That actually leaves Hispanic owners without a clear understanding of "Brand" as a marketing effort and their misconceptions hurt deeply the growth and future revenue of their businesses.

Redefining "Brand" for SMHBs

Most people in general associate “Brand” with one of the most straightforward definitions; “As a product manufactured by a company under an specific name“. SMHBs are no exception. They generally think of company brands or product brands as a drawing or symbol that works as a representation of their products and/or services. But a Brand is way more complex and relevant than that.

A "Brand" is a representation of a perceivable object transformed into memorable concepts by a percepting subject. It sounds complex but I should begin by explaining it in a simpler way. SMHBs must understand that Brand is the perception left by any interaction.

Any sensory stimulation related to their business will leave specific marks in the customers. Those marks left behind is how we "Brand". By using this concept, SMHBs will be able to understand that all interactions with their customers (internal/external) are relevant to the perception of their products and businesses.

A "perceivable object" is something that can be recognized. Your business, your product lines, your individual products are all perceivable objects. Since each one of them is different, they all have individual entities, therefore, they will create their own memorable concepts in percepting subjects (people or entities that can discern information). So each one of these "objects" will create their own memories in the subject and add on to the general sense of what your business is "branding" as its message and many levels (Corporate level, Product Line level , or Individual Product Brand level).

Hispanic Business can benefit from understanding the advantages of separating how you communicate at every one of these levels. Creating specific experiences and methods of communication will guarantee that your business will leave a different mark in your customers minds.

For more information in how your business can benefit from a clear marketing strategy, specifically designed for SMHBs, feel free to contact me for a free consultation.